tisdag 8 december 2020

Vecka 50




Read your novels + answer the questions

When/if you are done reading your novel:

Work with the texts in Love & Friendship (p 24 texbook).

Pick one of the texts in this chapter and read it, try to translate it with help from the words. Do the exercises in workbook. 

(Friday = film)

Vecka 49

 Read your novels + answer the questions

tisdag 17 november 2020

måndag 16 november 2020

Vecka 47


Read the novel and answer this week's questions

fredag 6 november 2020

måndag 26 oktober 2020

Vecka 45


Novel reading v 45-48

Novel presentation v 49

Instructions - material: computer (and some of you will need headphones)

Bestselling author Sherman Alexie tells the story of Junior, a budding cartoonist growing up on the Spokane Indian Reservation. Determined to take his future into his own hands, Junior leaves his troubled school to attend an all-white farm town high school where the only other Indian is the school mascot.

Heartbreaking, funny, and beautifully written. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is based on the author's own experiences. It tells the story of one Native American boy as he attempts to break away from the life he was destined to live.

The Spokan or Spokane people are a Native American Plateau tribe who have inhabited the eastern part of present-day Washington state and parts of northern Idaho in the United States of America.

The current Spokane Indian Reservation is located in northeastern Washington, centered at Wellpinit (Sčecuwe).

Meet the Spokane Tribe

Bildresultat för map states

The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian

Lagom: läsa ca 7-8 kap/v - svara på ca 15 frågor/v

Vecka 43

 Film - Captain Fantastic

fredag 9 oktober 2020

Vecka 42


Holly's heroes


Reading test

Göra klart genitiv sid 114-115

Vancouver - city corner

Textbook p 21-22
Övningsboken sid 14-16 (skrivövningar)

Done? Use the links on this page and practise your English skills!

fredag 2 oktober 2020

Vecka 41



Plural av substantiv sid 110-113 (gått igenom...?)

Gå igenom:
Genitiv sid 114-115

Vancouver - city corner

Nästa torsdag hörförståelsetest. Efter lovet: grammatik- + läsförståelse. 

Tuesday (ingen engelska)

torsdag 24 september 2020

Vecka 40


Plural - genomgång 
Gör sid 110 - 113 workbook
Texten ska lämnas in idag. En del ska renskriva/rätta idag. 
Sista 25 min Holly Hobbie

Quiz - advanced - for those who dare...


Ni får feedback på era texter. Rätta och renskriv på datorn. Lämna in i TEAMS. 

Klar med text+

Läs What was Apartheid? (sid 14 textboken)
South Africa into the Future (sid 15 textboken)
Two weeks with the queen (sid 16-20)

Om möjligt - läs/översätt texten tillsammans - gör övningarna i övningsboken (sid 10-14) (Ej hörövningar)

Några elever skriver klart texten, som ska vara klar senast idag. 

På fredag börjar vi med nytt arbete. 

fredag 18 september 2020

Vecka 39


Continue writing your text about "Bafana"

When you're done practise: reading/listening by using the links on this blog

fredag 11 september 2020

Vecka 38


Finish watching the film Goodbye Bafana

If time. Start writing. 

Instructions HERE

Vecka 37

 Tuesday - Friday

Watch the film Goodbye Bafana

fredag 28 augusti 2020

Vecka 36


Läxförhör: Orden på sid 12

South Africa - Gimme Hope Jo'Anna

* Durban - third largest city. Population: most Zulu

* Transvaal - used to be a part of the country where white people lived. Dutch, then British. 

"Gimme Hope Jo'anna"

Well Jo'anna she runs a country
She runs in Durban and the Transvaal
She makes a few of her people happy, oh
She don't care about the rest at all

She's got a system they call apartheid
It keeps a brother in a subjection
But maybe pressure will make Jo'anna see
How everybody could have live as one

Oh, Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Hope, Jo'anna
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
'Fore the morning come
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Hope, Jo'anna
Hope before the morning come

I wanna know if you're blind Jo'anna
If you wanna hear the sound of drum
Can't you see that the tide is turning
Oh don't make me wait till the morning come

Oh, go give me hope, Jo'anna
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
'Fore the morning come
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Hope before the morning come

An anti-apartheid song written and originally released by 
Eddy Grant in 1988, during the apartheid era 
(1948-94) in South Africa. 

Jo'anna in Grant's song  is Johannesburg. 

Not the capital of South Africa -
 BUT "Joburg" is the biggest city and a cultural melting pot + people from all of South Africa's major cultures.

It is also known as the city of gold and is the “it” and “happening” place of the country.

The song was banned by the South African government when it was released, but was widely played in South Africa nonetheless

Övningsboken sid 9-11 - klart?



S O U T H  A F R I C A

Bildresultat för south africa

South Africa
Population: Mainly different black tribes, white British/Afrikans (dutch), other immigrants from Asia etc. 

Most people live in large cities 
Largest cities are: Johannesburg, Durban, Capetown, Pretoria

THREE capitals

Pretoria is the administrative capital. 
It is home to the executive branch of the South African government, including the President of the Cabinet. The city also hosts many departments of government and foreign embassies. 

Cape Town is the legislative capital. (Där har man makten att göra lagar)

Bloemfontein is considered the judicial capital. (Där finns domstolar)

Languages: English, Afrikaans, different African languages.

5 things I wish I knew about South Africa

Bildresultat för johannesburg


Who are the people in SA?

Bantu (Förfäder till dagens svarta sydafrikaner)

The Portuguese  
The Dutch 
The British 

Bodde sida vid sida först. Boerna tröttnade på britterna, drog sig norrut (Transvaal). 

Samtidigt slogs både Britter/Boer mot Zulu/Xhosa 

Boer & engelsmän levde vidare sida vid sida. Men när boerna hittade guld och diamanter ville britterna äga hela Syd-Afrika.

Anglo-Boer war (ended 1902) - SA blev del av Brittiska imperiet (British Empire)

Idag är guld och diamanter Sydafrikas största export. Många gruvor. 

De svarta fick knappt några rättigheter alls i nya unionen.

1912 ANC

1948-1994 APARTHEID (betyder åtskillnad på Afrikans)
Rasåtskillnadpolitik - syfte = bevara de vitas makt i landet

Zulu/Xhosa största stammar - 
En väldigt känd man ur Xhosa-stammen är Nelson Mandela (1918-2013. 

Nelson Mandela - A portrait (page 12-13 textbook) - lyssna + läs i par + försök översätta
Övningsboken sid 9-11

Lyssna på Growing up in SA (sid 11)

fredag 21 augusti 2020

Vecka 35



News quiz

Holly's heroes (25 min)


Titta på webbappen + kommer alla in? Kan alla se/hitta läxan på s-soft?


Grej of the Day

Ayers Rock - Uluru

Four things to do at Australia's Uluru monolith — besides climb it

File:Uluru at dusk.jpg - Wikimedia Commons 

Ayers Rock / Uluru is a mountain-like red cliff located on a plain in Australia.

Uluru is the name of the Aborigines and Ayers Rock is the western name.

It is a 500 million year old sandstone monolith, i.e. it is a single large rock consisting of sandstone. It has a reddish color due to oxidized iron.


It is the largest stone in the world.


Uluru is located almost in the middle of the country, about 450 km southwest of Alice Spring.

The bottom of Ayers Rock goes about 2000 meters underground and what we see is just the top of the mountain range that existed a very long time ago. Then the mountains stood on edge while they have now tipped to the side.

It is 384 m above sea level. 

It takes about 2 hours to walk around it.

Australia's indigenous aborigines see Uluru as a sacred place and this can be seen in the many rock carvings and paintings that are found on the mountain - even today ceremonies are held at the mountain.

The Aborigines have for many years begged the tourists not to climb Uluru because it's sacred to them, but also for the safety of the visitors.

Around half a million people used to climb the mountain every year. In recent years, there have been many more serious accidents. At least 35 people have died over the years due to climbing accidents.

Since October 26, 2019, it is forbidden to climb Uluru. 

Ayers Rock is best seen at dawn or dusk because it changes color then.

William Gosse visited the cliff 1873 and named it its Western name, Ayers Rock, after Sir Henry Ayers, South Australia's Prime Minister.

Uluru is today a national park called Uluru – Kata Tjuta National Park. 


Listening sid 5 övningsboken

Speaking: Berätta om en resa du har gjort. Se uppgift G sid 6


Gör uppgift B, D, H i övningsboken sid 4-6 
(hoppa över hörövningen och F-G. 

Skriv några rader om en plats eller land du skulle vilja besöka. Titta på uppgift H sid 6. 

Ni som är klara: Läs texten REX sid 8-11 textboken

ORDEN i läxa till fredag (sid 6-7)

torsdag 20 augusti 2020

Vecka 34


Welcome back to the second year of high school!

Information about planner, schedule, teachers, where to find information. (blogg + schoolsoft)

The great wall of China - lyssna, läs tillsammans, översätt

Övningsboken sid 4-6 (hoppa över hörövningen och F-G. 

Skriv några rader om en plats eller land du skulle vilja besöka. Titta på uppgift H sid 6. 

ORDEN i läxa till nästa fredag (sid 6-7)